(website: Practical Law). Authors: Sergio Sorinas and Marie Louvet, attorneys at Herbert Smith Freehills Paris LLP. Subjects covered: Regulatory Framework, Triggering Events/Thresholds, Notification, Procedure and Timetable, Publicity and Confidentiality, Rights of Third Parties, Substantive Test, Remedies, Penalties and Appeal, Automatic Clearance of Restrictive/Ancillary Provisions, Where to find it: Go to the Practical Law website → Country: […]
Cartel leniency
(website: Practical Law). Authors: Sergio Sorinas and Marie Louvet, attorneys at Herbert Smith Freehills Paris LLP. Subjects covered: Regulation, Scope of application, Recent cases and trends, Availability of leniency, Application Proceedings, Withdrawal of leniency, Scope of protection, Confidentiality and disclosure, Inter-agency Cooperation, Whistleblowers, Where to find it: Go to the Practical Law website → Country: France […]
Book Title: “French Merger Control”
Author: Louis Vogel (a recognized expert in French Competition Law, a member of several Bars and a professor at a highly respected French law school (Assas)) Publisher: LawLex/Bruylant (2nd edition, 2020). 416 pages Subjects covered: Provides a wide-ranging review of the applicable French rules: scope of control, exercise of control, control procedures. Why this book […]
Book Title: “French Competition Law”
Authors: Louis Vogel and Joseph Vogel (recognized experts in French Competition Law) Publisher: LawLex/Bruylant (year: 2020, 2nd edition). 760 pages Subjects covered: anticompetitive agreements and abuses of domination, competition procedure, commercial negotiation and unfair competition Why this book is interesting: This English language book covers all aspects of French Competition Law Who will benefit: For […]
Competition Law Glossary PDF
Ce glossaire bilingue contient la grande majorité des termes et expressions du droit de la concurrence dont les juristes/avocats français en droit de la concurrence ont besoin.